Web site and email package starting from £299
If you are setting up in business or already in business and require a web site and email addresses then look no further.
You can have a web site for £299 with email addresses.
What do you get?
Your own domain name.
Up to five email addresses set up as specified, with auto responders. (depending on hosting package)
5 pages pre set up with Key words (meta tags) individually set to each page.
A choice of themes.
Submission to major search engines. (eg yahoo, google etc)
Complete ownership of the web site through a user friendly interface, using a web a browser, such as Internet Explorer. This enables you to manage simple changes yourself.
Complete instruction and support to set up email addresses to existing email clients such as Outlook Express.
Complete instructions on editing the web site.
For more information please contact us.
Here are some of the web sites that I have set up: